The Fly Brave Emporium & Coffee Shop - new/used treasures
We are an autism employment training program, so our hours and days of operation are limited due to classes/workshops/events.
5901 Broadway, Unit B, Sac, CA 95820
We are open to the public on:
Wed - Sat: 11 am - 2 pm
Donations are taken on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 11 am to 2 pm.
We do not take furniture, large appliances (microwaves), tvs, computers, bedding, toys or carseats/cribs/ect.
We are ALWAYS in need of kitchen, home goods and men's women's shoes/accessories in gently used condition.
Thank you for your support.
- Boston John -
Visit Our Story to find out more.
John finishes Boston! by CBS13 Fox40 with Eric Harryman
Dignity Health's 2017 and 2019 Acts of Human Kindness Recipient
Watch our promo on ABC 10, click here.
2018 Recipient of the Above and Beyond Award, City of Elk Grove
2021 Recipient of the Tim Haley Recognition Award, City of Sacramento
Visit our Media page to see what we've been up in the community.
Helping neurodiverse individuals live life without limits.
Our programs and services are FREE thanks to the financial support of our grantors, sponsors and individual donors.
We aren't a giant corporation.
We are a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization with a giant army of people. Five years ago we started out in our living room with five families and today have served over 400.
We are a family and we hope after watching this 6-minute video you feel like family too.
Trusting God and doing our part.
John Almeda, Fly Brave Co-Founder, COMPLETES
John ran/FINISHED the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run on June 24, 2023, completing the race in 27 hours and becoming the first person with Nonverbal Autism to do so.
On April 2, 2022, World Autism Day,
John completed his first 50-Mile Race,the AR50.
John was featured in American Essence Magazine
Click here for the article
TED TALK - John and Anthony were invited to talk about Living Life Without Limits. They speak at the 1:14 mark yet we encourage you to listen to all of the amazing speakers.
Social Skills Workshops through Improv and Acting
ABC10 joined us on Autism Awareness Day.
To view the news segment, click here.
This program is generously sponsored by Safeway Drive Away, Inc; D&T Transportation Inc; and Hoosier Transit Inc.
Fly Brave's
Fly Fit - Police/Autism Fitness Program
Visit the Eventspage for details.
Fly Fit buddies up officers with individuals on the Autism Spectrum to learn about one another and build community bonds through fitness.
Are you a law enforcement agency interested in implementing Fly Fit in your community? Email us at for info.
Fly Fit media coverage below.
CBS13 News with Macy Jenkins ABC10 News with Ananda Rochita
Public Speaking 101
We have a free public speaking program for adults on the spectrum ages 17+.
You can book our speakers by emailing us at
Our speakers were invited as the Keynote Panel for UC Davis MIND Institute's annual conference; the Summer Institute on Neurodevelopmental Disorders. They were brilliant and it was their largest crowd, 400 participants.
To watch their presentation,click here.